Who are we?

Our Mission

Gold Foundation is a non-profit organization for public benefit, created to change and maintain a good level of treatment and care for children with cancer in Bulgaria and their families. The organization has a special focus on long-term survivors and their follow-up care.

Пряката ни работа е свързана с осигуряване на психосоциална подкрепа на деца със злокачествени заболявания, от момента на диагностицирането им, по пътя ня лечението и след това. Лицензирани сме от Агенция за качество на социалните услуги за доставцик на социални услуги "Информиране и консултиране", "Общностна работа" и "Терапия и рехабилитация"


Introducing quality care standards.

Better conditions

Improving conditions in hospitals.


Establishing a healthcare tracking system in Bulgaria.


Въвеждане на качествени стандарти за грижа.

По-добри условия

Подобряване на условията в болниците.


Изграждане на система за проследяваща грижа в България.

Our team

I have Master of Art "Psychosocial Interventions for Children and Families." Since 2010 I have been dedicated to enhancing the treatment and recovery of children with cancer in Bulgaria since 2010. My efforts extend to legislative advocacy regarding drug reimbursement, creating impactful change. Since 2013 I offer essential psychosocial support to parents and children with cancer from the moment of diagnosis through treatment and reintegration into society. Since 2017, I have been managing a Daily Centre for Children with Cancer. I am an author of various programs benefiting children and parents, including organizing rehabilitation camps and other initiatives. Since 2015, I have been organizing recovery camps for children and adolescents who have finished their treatment, as a part of long-term psychosocial care. Author of various programs to support children and parents, organizer of rehabilitation camps and other initiatives. Co-author of a handbook on psychosocial support for families of children with cancer.


Patient Advocate, Parent of survivor


Hospital teacher, social worker, and patient advocate


Survivor and psychology student

Vanessa Karaivanova has been an active member of the survivor community since 2016, both nationally and across Europe. She passionately volunteers at survivor summer camps and provides valuable support to children in a hospital environment at the Clinic for Children's Clinical Oncology and Hematology in Sofia. Vanessa serves as Bulgaria's Ambassador in the European project "Youth Cancer Survivors" (EU CAYAS NET) and successfully completed the patient advocate course, WECAN SmartStart, at the WECAN Academy.

I have BA in Primary School Pedagogy and MA in Health Management. I have over then 20 years of experience and I am a stalwart in the field of children's cancer care. Since 2014, I actively support children with cancer and families as well as pedagogic work at the Clinic for Children's Clinical Oncology and Hematology in Sofia. My significant contributions include a remarkable methodology for psychosocial support during active cancer treatment, supportive therapy, and beyond. I am the creator of a methodology for psychosocial work with children with cancer during active treatment and supportive therapy. My impact extends to international projects in pediatric cancer and advocating for legislative changes in Bulgaria's healthcare system to enhance children's access to treatment. I am a certified Patient Advocate through the WECAN MasterClass at WECAN Academy. I am a member of "Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care" CCI-E's Pillar, the SIOPE's European Palliative Care Group. I am participating as an co-author in the European standard for the care of children with cancer (ESCALIER). I am a co-author in handbooks: "How to help a child with learning disabilities at home and at school" "Guidelines for Overcoming Learning Difficulties for Children with Language and Mathematical Disabilities" Children with Chronic Illnesses and ICT, School with Class Foundation Śniadeckich 19, 00-654, Warsaw, Poland Handbook of psychosocial support for children with cancer.

Обществен съвет

Към Фондация „Злато“ функционира Обществен съвет от родители на деца със злокачествени заболявания, сървайвъри, лекари, медицински сестри и съмишленици, които активно допринасят за дейността на фондацията.  
Общественият съвет предоставя експертна помощ при осъществяване на цялостната й дейност, популяризира мисията, целите и дейността на Фондацията, прави предложения към Управителния съвет за различни дейности и инициативи.
Членовете на Обществения съвет получават информация за дейността на Фондацията и нейната програмна политика. На всеки 4 месеца получават писмен доклад за реализирани дейности и бъдещи инициативи. Запознават се с годишните отчети за дейността по време на годишна среща на Обществения съвет.
Общественият съвет отправя предложения до органите на управление на Фондацията относно бъдещите насоки и приоритети, нейната работа, адресиране на належащи нужди, справяне с текущи проблеми, както и предложения за решаването им.
Ако искате да станете член на Общественият съвет, изтеглете и попърнете Заявление и го идпратете на fzlato22@gmail.com.


for children and families

We provide direct support to children and their families in the hospital during their treatment and until the improvement of treatment and care conditions!

contact us